Become an ALE worker

Are you unemployed or on CPAS (public social assistance)?

Would you like to work a few hours per month WITHOUT losing your benefits?

Become an ALE worker!

Conditions for becoming an ALE Brussels worker?

To become an ALE Bruxelles (Local Employment Agency for the City of Brussels) worker, you need to fulfil the following criteria :

What kind of work? How many hours per month?

ALE Bruxelles offers ALE workers an opportunity to remain in touch with the world of work by continuing to exercise their skills within a wide field of activities: cleaning, caretaking, administrative support, etc.

The assignments given to ALE workers are carried out at the premises of ALE Bruxelles’ clients (users of ALE cheques).

These may be individuals, local authorities, educational institutions, non-profit organisations and non-commercial associations.

The activities are carried out exclusively in the City of Brussels area (Brussels-City, Laeken, Haren, Neder-Over-Hembeek).

ALE workers can legally carry out a maximum of 45 or 70 hours per month depending on the type of activity and category of user. In all cases, the maximum number of hours permitted on an annual basis is fixed at 630 hours.

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How much and how does it pay?

Every hour worked or begun is currently paid at €4.10 net.
The procedure to follow is easy:

N.B.: We recommended that you make a copy of the ALE 4 and keep it on file.

Don’t worry! The ALE Bruxelles advisers will be able to help you complete your ALE cheques and ALE 4 on your first assignment.